Guess who's back...
It is no secret that I've been slacking on blogging. Every since graduating college (which has been over a year ago) I have struggled to find a focus for this blog, as well as the time and passion that I once had. Truthfully, this "life transition" had taken a toll on my well-being. I've struggled to find myself as I looked for jobs, new friends, a new home and settled into a comfortable routine.
With moving to Chicago back in October and starting a job, I've had less disposable income than I did in college. It seemed impossible to keep up with other girls who were consistently updating their wardrobe and buying new things.

I came up with the phrase that I was "too broke for clothes" as a joke to describe my current financial situation. I'd look at bloggers spending $60 on a blouse and would laugh. Let me back up and say that I am not hating on those people. I just started to distance myself because I could no longer relate. A lot of the bloggers who caught quick fame and now endorse major brands used to share affordable options on clothing, styling tricks and made things more attainable for the audience.
And then it hit me. I shouldn't stop doing what I enjoy because I can't purchase the latest trends at a blink of an eye. My perception of reality has become skewed to think that most people do that, when in fact, they don't.
That is is why I am re-branding "Chelsea's Glossary" to become "Too Broke for Clothes," a fashion blog focused on affordable fashion, and mixing and matching what's already in your closet. This blog is all about being a millennial female without breaking the bank: Finding trendy pieces at affordable prices, and mixing and matching your current wardrobe.
I recently bought this dress from Marshall's on a trip home to Cleveland (yay for cheaper sales tax). The problem I have with dresses lately is finding something at an appropriate length. Everywhere makes things way too short lately, and finding a trapeze dress that doesn't look too wide or too skimpy is nearly impossible.
When looking for trendier styles, I definitely recommend going to either Marshall's or Tj Maxx because they have a larger variety of brands that are typically a higher quality. I found this black and white stripped dress for under $20!
This Chicago necklace was a gift. I absolutely love it and wear it with everything.
I purchased these black vans from DSW for under $40! Vans are ridiculously over priced, but I love the way they look and can be worn with just about anything. I got a good deal on these because I used a $5 Birthday reward couple and a $15 off coupon. When saving money, it definitely helps to stay loyal to certain retailers who give coupons to frequent shoppers.
My sunglasses were an amazing steal from an Aldo outlet for $4! Truthfully, I wear these just about everywhere and I wish I bought more pairs when I stumbled upon the sale.
This tote bag is from J. Crew, and I bought it on sale this past winter to use for work. It was originally close to $300, but I got it for $100. I wanted a high quality bag to bring to carry every day that I knew was going to last, but sadly this bag has been nothing but problems. The tabs that you use to pull the zipper have fallen off, I was able to save one of them and screw it back on with wire, but the other is lost. I wouldn't recommend purchasing a bag from J. Crew again. Even though I love the way this one looks, I can't see it lasting very long.
Being summer in Chicago, I am excited to get the ball rolling on blogging again. There is so much to share since I've fallen off the blog-sphere, and I look forward to being more active and collaborating with more Chicago bloggers too!
Until next time,
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